FeraSpinâ„¢ T

MR cell tracking agent

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FeraSpinâ„¢ T MRI contrast agent (1 x 5 injections): 130 - 095 - 703
FeraSpinâ„¢ T MRI contrast agent (5 x 5 injections): 130 - 095 - 704

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FeraSpin T is an innovative superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticulate agent optimized for in vitro cell labeling and subsequent in vivo MRI tracking of the labeled cells. It has been developed not only to enable efficient uptake by various cell types without the need of a transfection agent but also to deliver optimal MRI contrast.

Viscover's proven nanoparticulate MR cell tracking agent:

  • Is based on iron oxide nanoparticles
  • Exhibits optimized particle size and composition
  • Is taken up by stem cells, primary cells and cell lines
  • Provides optimal T2/T2* contrast
  • FeraSpin T is Viscover's leading agent for in vivo MRI cell tracking

Apply FeraSpin T to:

  • Effectively label cells without the need of a transfection agent
  • Investigate the fate of specific cells in vivo
  • Gain insight into the mechanisms of underlying biological processes
Physico-chemical properties and structure

Mean particle size (hydrodynamic diameter):

60 nm

Particle size range:

Narrow size distribution

Relaxivity (37 °C, 1.41 T)
In water:

r1 = 8 L mmol-1 s-1
r2 = 280 L mmol-1 s-1

Schematic diagram of a FeraSpin T nanoparticle

FeraSpin T in vivo MRI cell tracking
Time-dependent axial MR images of the rat brain after injection of MSCs previously labeled with FeraSpin T. At day 1, the injection site is clearly visible (white arrow). At days 2 and 7, the labeled cells are visible in other parts of the brain (red arrows), due to their migration from the injection site into brain tissue.
Selected references
  1. Jones, J. et al. (2015) Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improve Motor Functions and Decrease Neurodegeneration in Ataxic Mice. Mol. Ther. 23(1): 130–138.
  2. Kraupner, A. et al. (2017) Nanoparticles optimized for efficient stem cell labeling and possessing optimal contrast properties for MRI and MPI. For more information click here
Further information